Frequently asked questions

1) Can I use Strava to record my time? Yes, but you will need to convert your track into a .gpx format to email it to us; info here

2) Why don’t you have separate categories for canoes and kayaks? Because it’s difficult to define the difference between the two; some people paddle a kayak with a single blade paddle, some paddle a canoe with a double blade paddle. Some people use a rudder on their boat, some don’t. And finally, and perhaps the most important reason is this: you should choose whatever boat works best for you. People set FKP’s in boats most people would call canoes, they set them in boats most people call kayaks, and they set them in surfskis, outrigger boats, etc. So choose what works best for you!

2) What are some tips to get a good .gpx track? Dedicated GPS devices work better than smartphones, generally speaking. Figuring out how to keep your device charged, and dry, and not fried by the sun is part of the challenge. Practice ahead of time! Use a back-up device!