How to Set an FKP

To set an FKP, you have two options:

  1. If the route you want to do is not in our database, propose a new FKP route using this Propose a Route Form.

  2. Attempt an already established route and either break the existing FKP or set the FKP in a different sub-category; you must notify us before your attempt via the Pre FKP Attempt Form. Make sure to read everything on this page. After your attempt, submit your application for an FKP using the Post FKP Attempt Form.

FKP Attempt Rules

  • Notify us at least 24 hours before your attempt

  • Anyone can attempt an FKP.

  • Only self-propelled boats are allowed (no motors or sails).

  • You must use the same boat for the entire attempt (with some limited exceptions on certain routes).

  • You can use any kind of boat, paddle, rudder, spray skirt, or ama/outrigger.

  • The clock runs continuously from your start until your finish, regardless of breaks. You should start a stop watch or take note of the exact time at the start and the finish. When you apply to set an FKP we will clarify the exact start and end points.

We’ll recognize FKPs in the following categories:

  • Solo men

  • Solo women

  • Solo non-binary

  • Solo men Stand Up Paddleboarding

  • Solo women Stand Up Paddleboarding

  • Solo non-binary Stand Up Paddleboarding

  • Tandem men

  • Tandem women

  • Mixed tandem

  • Team 3+

  • Para athletes

You cannot swap out teammates. If someone quits for any reason you may continue but will still be in the same category. We will accept each person’s decision to sign up for any given category at face value. Two or more people paddling solo boats can set the solo record together so long as they paddle separate boats the entire time and each move their own boats on any portages, but this will always be considered “supported”.

We also recognize "self-supported" and "supported" FKPs for routes 50 miles or longer:

  • Self-supported: No support crew once the attempt begins, though you can resupply on your own or accept help from strangers. Caching supplies ahead of time is allowed. Pre-arranged spectators not allowed except at the start and finish.

  • Supported: Can have a support crew (people who supply food, water, or gear). If a support boat is used you cannot draft off of it.

Additional Rules and Considerations:

  • If your route has multiple channels, you can choose whichever one you prefer.

  • If you’re claiming an FKP set before the website was created, send a route proposal and supporting evidence from your trip, and we’ll consider it.

  • If you have the 2nd or 3rd fastest time on a route and would like us to post that as well, send it to us for consideration.


  • You can portage around obstacles (e.g., rapids, dams, or trees) anytime, and we won’t penalize you for doing so.

  • All portages must be done on foot unless an exception is noted as part of the official route and is disclosed before the attempt. Support crews can help carry and move gear but the boat can only be moved by the paddler(s). Portage wheels are allowed and, like any other gear, can be given to or taken from the support crew as needed.

  • You cannot portage for the sole purpose of shortening the route, unless the shortcut is officially noted in the route description and disclosed before the attempt.

  • If you unexpectedly need to portage, explain it in your trip report.

GPS Tracking Requirements:

  • You must submit a GPS track showing your start and end times and locations. You must submit a .gpx or .kml file; various dedicated GPS devices work best though some smartphones and apps (like the Footpath app or Strava) can work on shorter trips. If you use Strava you will need to convert your track into a .gpx format to email it to us; info here

  • Your track must show your location at least every 10 minutes (more often is better especially on shorter routes)

  • If there are any gaps in the track, explain them in your submission. We recommend running two devices to ensure reliable tracking.

  • Figuring out how to keep your device charged, and dry, and not fried by the sun is part of the challenge. Practice ahead of time! Use a back-up device. make sure your device or app is producing a .GPX or .FKP file or a track that can be converted into these formats.

  • For more info see our FAQ

Live tracking (real-time location sharing) is not required but can be submitted as additional evidence. is one option for live-tracking, checkpoint times and to create a publicly available GPS track; thank you to Jon Marble for everything he does for the paddling community.

Safety Considerations

Paddling is inherently dangerous. You are responsible for your own safety. Potential hazards include strong currents, severe weather, waves, obstacles, and more. We strongly recommend wearing a PFD at all times.

If your route crosses a large body of water, the risk increases. You may want a safety crew or boat, especially if your route includes sections like wide lakes.

You are ultimately responsible for determining the safety of your attempt, including when conditions are too hazardous to proceed.

Required Submission Information:

After your attempt, fill out this form, which asks for:

  • GPS track (with explanations for any gaps). Only .GPX or .KML files are allowed.

  • Your exact start and end time; make sure you submit your total elapsed time and not your “moving” time.

  • Contact details for all paddlers and support crew (if applicable), including names, hometowns and ages.

  • FKP category (solo, tandem, self-supported, etc.).

  • Details on your trip, including start/end times, break durations, portage locations, and total distance.

  • Photos and videos documenting your attempt (include a picture of you, your boat, your paddle and your support crew; photos with time/location data preferred)

  • Water levels (high, medium or low or more precise info) and other relevant information.

  • A trip report describing your experience.

  • We ask everyone submitting an FKP attempt to make a donation of any amount to help us maintain this site, but it is not required. We would like to keep this a free service but to do so we need those who can to make a donation. Thank you!

Important Notes:

  • You may take breaks, but the clock keeps running.

  • If you leave the route, you must return to the exact point you left.

  • We reserve the right to modify these rules at any time and will be the sole authority in determining if an attempt qualifies as an official FKP.

  • Because this is a grassroots, volunteer-driven effort, we cannot guarantee how long it will take to process route proposals or attempt submissions. The timing depends on our workload and the number of submissions we’re handling.

We’re excited to see your FKP adventures and thanks for your help in growing the paddling community!