How to Propose a New FKP Route

Before paddling a new route, you must submit a proposal (by filling out this form) to ensure we can evaluate and approve it.

If you paddle a route without submitting it first, we may not accept your route. FKP routes should can be on rivers or creeks or a series of lakes/waterways. If you’d like to set an FKP for traversing or circumnavigating a lake, contact us to discuss as we’d be interested in figuring out the standards for such an attempt.

Your proposed route should include:

  • Start and end points (marked as pins in Google Maps).

  • The number of portages, rapids (Class 1 or higher), locks, and/or other unusual features, along with descriptions of anything especially noteworthy.

  • Links to any existing maps of the route.

  • A brief overview of the route.

  • If possible, send a .kml file of the route (it’s incredibly easy to make one in the Footpath app, which you can then also use to aid in navigation if you want (the app does charge a fee to enable advanced features like navigation)

  • Any special or amended rules for the route that vary from our standard rules, along with explanations.(for example, if you are proposing that people be allowed to use multiple boats on your route)

  • Please make a donation of any amount to help us maintain this site (not required). We would like to keep this a free service but to do so we need those who can to make a donation. Thank you!

Key Route Requirements:

  • If certain sections are unnavigable due to shallow waters, debris, or private property. In such cases, the route should begin below that stretch. We will occasionally allow exceptions to this.

  • We prefer routes start and end at a clear access point (boat ramp, bridge, etc.). If the exact access point is not ideal, choose the closest one that allows for easy access.

  • River and creek routes should usually be all or most of the waterway’s length, although partial or unique sections can be considered in the case of long rivers or if they offer something special.

  • We only consider FKP routes that are race routes in certain circumstances where there is sufficient demand.

  • Routes must be accessible and shouldn’t include private property. If a permit is needed for a certain section, include details on how such a permit is obtained.

  • We will consider multiple FKP routes on the same body of water if they differ significantly or in an interesting way. Make sure to check out database of existing routes before proposing a new one.